Yay..glad to hear it. They sure can put us through alot of scares when they are little, I'm glad to hear all is well and he's doing better, he'll be back & bouncing before too long!
good news.
whyamihere and my son's little guy will be coming home from the hospital (hopefully) later this afternoon.
he has regained 2 lbs.
Yay..glad to hear it. They sure can put us through alot of scares when they are little, I'm glad to hear all is well and he's doing better, he'll be back & bouncing before too long!
hello everybody...my daughter (in-law), whyamihere/brooke, has been at the hospital all day with her little boy, 1 yr. 4 months old...who has had such a bad case of the flu that they had to hook him up to an iv for fluid.
he was sick all last week and then was getting better...then took a turn for the worse yesterday.
can't keep anything down.
(((((((((brooke & son))))))))))))))
My thoughts are with you....hope he gets better soon!
when i die may i please have chocolate cake?.
chapter 1. my birth.
i have always thought of my life like that.
You have a wonderful way of telling a story!! I can't wait for the rest of it!
i just had surgery(gall bladder) this past week.
i am fine, thanks.
anyways, it hurts when laugh.
ooooo I remember the gall bladder surgery, the day after I had it done and I was still hooked up to morphine, my brother walked into my hospital room right as I hit the button for some relief & said in his best british accent:
"oh aren't you lucky?? The most expensive machine in the whooole hospital!! The one that goes PING"....I hurt...damn monty python!
Friends, Will & Grace (cracks me up), Joey and Scrubs..those are my favorites
Get well Sandy!
i wrote a while ago about the relationship i was in with a witness.
it's still posted under this category i believe.
anyway, it was her decision to go along with her parents and stop talking to me.
Hey SCP...good to hear from you again!! Sorry not much has changed.
You're right, she's confused, but SHE needs to decide what SHE wants to do. You're already there. She isn't going to risk losing her family for you. Nothing personal against you, but that's the truth.
My ex does the SAME THING...he treats me as if our relationship never happened (can't ignore the son but he does ignore the past) and it is so frustrating, my heart is just now healing. There have been a few times, very rare but they are there, when he comes to my house alone to pick up our son and I get a glimpse of the "old" ex. He's pleasant and it's almost a joy to be around him, he takes his time in leaving, has a look on his face that tells me he wants to say something and gets that sad face on. It never lasts. He goes right back to his life that he created where I dont exist. He treats me as if I am a stranger and not worthy of his time and that just bugs the crap out of me, but I'm in a better place now. I too went thru my relationship with him in a new light, especially after I found this site. It's amazing all the things I missed, or chose not to see. He chose the path he is on, and there is nothing at all I can do about that except try to co-exist with him as a parent. THAT is proving very difficult, but I'm working on it.
So, on to you..your girlfriend needs to sh*t or get off the pot. She needs to quit calling you and stringing you along. It sounds to me that she has already made her decision, but is having issues with that. Her age is a big factor, it's hard to walk away from your family and all you've known. I think you need to move on and let her go. It's not easy, but if she wants to be with you, she'll do the right thing FOR HER. UG...sucks doesn't it?
Take Care-SK
the other night our son confessed that he had been in an after-school fight last friday.
some small kid was irritated with my son (who's nearly 14) and called on the services of a big friend to beat up my son.
(i actually saw the fight (sort of) as i drove past the school that day to go do errands, and pondered on whether i should stop... i didn't... because i actually wasn't sure it was a fight; it was a lot of kids in a loose crowd).
I agree on the difference between picking a fight & defending yourself.
When my brother was little, he came home one day from school crying, my mom asked him what was up & he said that a girl beat him up. My mom asked him what he did & my brother said "nothing, I can't hit a girl" so my mother proceeded to ask him who told him that!! She went on to tell him that picking a fight & hitting a girl is wrong but she never told him that defending himself, be it a girl or a boy was wrong. He was pretty happy to hear that.
I teach my kids that hitting in anger is wrong, but hey, if someone is pummeling them, I don't expect them to sit there & take it. I've only got experience from having little brothers & fights, and while my mom took concern with any injuries (they were usually minimal) she found it best to stay out of kid squabbles. They never escalated past a hit here & there and usually they kids would be friends again the next day. OF course that's different these days isn't it? Hopefully when my son is in school and goes thru this, I'll be able to take the same path & step in only if it's absolutely necessary, and then deal with the problem first hand!
where do i begin?
i can't believe i'm even here...i am a 20 year old female and have been dating a jehovah's witness for 4 and 1/2 years.
until recently, we've been completely and utterly devoted to each other.
Good responses from everyone...but your last post said it all. If he's not willing to be with you when you are going thru surgery why continue? He's pulling away for sure. I'm sorry you're going thru this, I can totally relate to what you are going through.
It is time to take a step back for your sake. You can take everything into account in your life & decide what YOU need to do. He's clearly made his decision. I'm sorry, but don't let him manipulate you anymore. He needs time?? Whatever...get up, brush yourself off, and chalk this up to experience.
I hope you do well in your surgery, and again, I'm sorry you're going thru this.
i took evelyne a copy of everyones wonderful thoughts... she cried more than once.
so, she saw the specialist just after lunch time.
it looks like, after 3 liters of iv, she has gone from 4.7 to 14!
Yay!! Glad to hear everything is going well.....happy mommy...happy baby...happy daddy!!
i don't post a lot about my personal life here anymore but i have a situation that i'd like some feedback on.. i have been dating a for about 5 months.
she is a university professor, originally from madrid spain, speaks 3 languages, quite an interesting and intelligent lady.
however, i have also come to find that she is very insecure and somewhat childish emotionally.. she has brought up marriage several times, and i have tried to keep her at bay on this subject, as i just don't know if the relationship has that kind of feeling or not.. the problem is, i don't know what that feeling is supposed to be.
Agreed, if you are relieved that she left and you feel a weight has been lifted, then you do not need to think any further. It sounds to me like she's looking for someone to take the place of her dad.
Do not be with her just for the sake of her mental well being. If you aren't happy now, you won't be happy later.
Good Luck!
hello my dear friends:.
i just wanted to let you know that my wife was admitted today to the hospital.
as you know she is 32 weeks pregnant with our son and unfortuanely, is very low on amniotic fluid.